Thursday, October 16, 2008


If you're a fan of molded plywood like I am-- you must check out designer Eric Pheifer for Offi and Company.  I recently purchased the offi mag table to complement my plycraft lounge chair.  It comes in walnut, oak, birch, black, white, and red.  It's super light-- yet so sturdy.  Plus, it's functional-- flip it on it's side and it becomes a laptop stand.  Or, use it to place coffee and store Dwell magazines like I do.  Last night on HGTV's Beyond the Box-- a couple used them as night stands for their platform bed-- very cool.
You can find Offi products on sites like Design Public, 2modern, and Hive.
 laptop stand option
"W" magazine stand- I love it
scando table
perch lounge


Liam said...

molded plywood is always interesting.

Anonymous said...

Reminds me of Charles Eames.

-- Galen Tong